Sunday, August 18, 2024

Implementing Robust Global Exception Handling in .NET 8.0 Core: A Comprehensive Guide

 In .NET 8.0, global exception handling can be set up using middleware, similar to previous versions but with enhancements in the framework.

Here's how you can add global exception handling:

1. Create a custom middleware class:

public class GlobalExceptionMiddleware


    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;

    public GlobalExceptionMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)


        _next = next;


    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)




            await _next(context);


        catch (Exception ex)


            await HandleExceptionAsync(context, ex);



    private Task HandleExceptionAsync(HttpContext context, Exception exception)


        context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";

        context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;

        var response = new


            StatusCode = context.Response.StatusCode,

            Message = "An error occurred while processing your request.",

            Detailed = exception.Message


        return context.Response.WriteAsync(JsonSerializer.Serialize(response));



2. Register the middleware in the pipeline:

In the `Program.cs` or `Startup.cs`, register the middleware:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var app = builder.Build();


// Other middleware


app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>





Key Notes:

- The middleware catches exceptions thrown during the request pipeline.

- You can customize the response format, and add logging or other error-handling mechanisms.

- In .NET 8.0, the overall structure remains similar to previous versions, but you can take advantage of new features and improvements in the framework.