Thursday, December 15, 2022

Powershell script to monitor and restart stopped Windows Services and notify users via email

Powershell script to monitor and restart stopped Windows Services. This can be configured to run to monitor multiple windows service.

$winServices = @{"WinServiceName1", "WinServiceName2", "WinServiceName3"}

$recipients = ",,"

[string[]]$To = $recipients.Split(',')

foreach ($service in $winServices){

$s = Get-Service -Name $service

 if($s.status -ne 'Running')


Write-Host $s.Name 'is not running. Take action'

Send-MailMessage -From "" -To $To -Subject  "$($s.Name) service is stopped" -Body "$($s.Name) service is stopped and needs attention" -SMTPServer ""

Write-Host 'Restarting:' $s.Name

Start-Service -Name $s.Name

Send-MailMessage -From "" -To $To -Subject  "$($s.Name) service is restarted" -Body "$($s.Name) service is has been restarted" -SMTPServer ""



Save the above scripts as MonitorServices.ps1

Make a batch file and use Windows Scheduled Task to run it:


cd /d %~dp0

PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '.\MonitorServices.ps1'

exit \b %ERRORLEVEL%

Singleton Data configuration with JSON file for connection strings information

 Singleton Data configuration with JSON file for connection strings information

public class SingletonDataConfig


private static readonly Lazy<SingletonDataConfig> _config = 

new Lazy<SingletonDataConfig>(() => 

new SingletonDataConfig(), System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);

private IConfiguration DataConfig { get; } = new ConfigurationBuilder().


public static SingletonDataConfig Instance => _config.Value;

private string _connstringinfo

public string ConnStringInfo {

get {

var conn  = DataConfig.GetConnectionString("YourConnStringName");

string pwd = DataConfig ["DbPassword"].ToString();

SqlConnectionStringBuilder connBuilder = new SqlConnectionsStringBuilder(conn);

builder.Add("Password", pwd);

_connstringinfo = builder.ConnectionString;


return _connstringinfo 



How to reference the above Singleton Class in your connection string?

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SingletonDataConfig.Instance.ConnStringInfo))




Source Code reference for Singelton -

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Powershell script to create new Windows Service

PowerShell script to create new windows service.

$params = @{

     Name = "<WindowsServiceName>"

     BinaryPathName = 'C:\<Your Service Name.exe> -ServiceParams'

     DependsOn = "NetLogon"

     DisplayName = "Your Service Name"

     StartupType = "Manual"

     Description = "<Your service description>"

New-Service @params

$service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='<Service Name>'"

You can also delete this service -$service.delete( )

Thursday, November 17, 2022

CS6515 - My Experience with Gerogia Tech's - Intro to Graduate Algorithms course

4 fundamental topics of the course. If you understand these 4, you will pass the course.

  • Dynamic Programming
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Graph Theory
  • NP Reductions
Key is to do all home work assignments practice problems and practice problems from DPV book.
This course is highly theoretical in nature. Course can be extremely challenging for a person new to Computer science. Hard work and practice will see you through. 

Three exams weight 75% of your grades. Remaining are Home work assignments, Coding assignments and Polls. Together they form 25% of your grade. So getting 20-25% should be doable.