Sunday, September 19, 2021

Dynamic Programming - FFT Subset Sum problem

import numpy as np

import math

s = [1,2,3,5,10, 15, 20]

#print("Set", s)

n= int(math.pow(2,len(s)))

#print(power, n)

A = np.zeros(n)

C1 = []

for item in s:

    A[item] = 1

A1 = np.fft.fft(A)

# print(len(A1), type(A1), A1)

for i in range(0,n,1):


C = np.fft.ifft(C1)

#print(C, C[19].real)

for i in range(0,n,1):

    if C[i].real>=.999999:




Monday, September 13, 2021

Dynamic Programming - Find Closest Element between 2 arrays - O(n2) time complexity

# Driver Code

A = [6, 1, 12]

B = [1, 0, 8]

C = [0,0,0]

prev = 0

for i in range(0, len(A)):

    prev = 0

    #print("iteration I=", i)

    for j in range (0, len(B)):

        #print("iteration J=", j)

        temp = abs(A[i]-B[j])

        #print("Temp", A[i], B[j], temp, prev)

        if(temp >= 0):

            if(j == 0):

                prev= temp

                C[i] = B[j]

            if(A[i] == B[j]):

                prev = temp

                C[i] = B[j]

                #print("if", temp, prev)

            elif (temp <  prev):

                prev = temp

                C[i]= B[j]

                #print("elif", C[i], prev)


Output is: C = [8, 1, 8]

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Dynamic Programming - Binary Search - Index function to find 2*x+5 - O(Log n) - Better approach

Time Complexity is O(Log n) . Its better and faster without recursion.

from random import randint

import math

random_odd_numbers = list((val

for val in iter(lambda: randint(-64, 64), 0) if val % 2 != 0))

mylist = sorted(set(random_odd_numbers))

l = 0

h = len(mylist)

while ((h - l) > 1):

mid = math.ceil((l + h) / 2)

#print(mylist[mid], l, mid, h - 1)

if mylist[mid] == 2 * mid + 5 or(mylist[h - 1] == 2 * h + 5) or mylist[l] == 2 * l + 5:

print(2 * h + 5, "yes", mylist)


elif mylist[mid] < 2 * mid + 5:

l = mid

else :

h = mid

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Dynamic Programming - Binary Search - Index function to find 2*x+5

Time Complexity O(n log n)

# Python3 Program for recursive binary search.

# Returns index of x in arr if present, else -1

def binarySearch (arr, l, r, x):

# Check base case

#print(x, r)

if r >= l:

mid = l + (r - l) // 2

# If element is present at the middle itself

if arr[mid] == x:

return True

# If element is smaller than mid, then it

# can only be present in left subarray

elif arr[mid] > x:

return binarySearch(arr, l, mid-1, x)

# Else the element can only be present

# in right subarray


return binarySearch(arr, mid + 1, r, x)


# Element is not present in the array

return False

# Driver Code 

arr = [ 2, 4, 8, -9, 14, 20, 69 ]

for x in (2**p for p in range(1, len(arr))):


    result = binarySearch(arr, 0, len(arr)-1, (2*x+5))

    if(result == True):

        print (2*x+5, " - Element is present in the array")


if(result == False):

    print ("Element is not present in array")

# Function call

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Dynamic Programming - count-ways-reach-nth-stair-using-steps 1-4

Dynamic programming exercise to count number of ways to reach n steps using either n+1 or n+4 steps. Had to use count global variable, as returning r was not giving me the correct answer. This works as expected. 

Recursive algorithm - solve(n - 1) + solve(n - 4)

Python code sample:

count = 0

def solve(n):

  global count 

  # Base case

  if n < 0:

    return 0

  if n == 0:

    return 1

  if n == 1:

      count = count + 1

      return 1

  r = solve(n - 1) + solve(n - 4)

  return r   

# Driver program to test above function

n = 6

ret = solve(n)

print("Final:", count)

Output of this program is 3.

Example: for n = 6 there are 3 ways to get from stairs 1 to stairs 6.
Those are:
1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 6,
1 → 2 → 6, and
1 → 5 → 6