This script prints all User Profile properties/values available inside SharePoint User Profile store.
1. Loops through all site collection to save usernames to a hash table
2. Loops through the UserProfiles and output user profile values to log file
Script Usage: .GatherMySiteProfileInfo.ps1 -farm [dev|test|prod] -log
Copy Powershell script as shown below and replace parameters marked in red with proper values:
param($farm, $log)
if($farm -ne $null)
"prod" {$SSPName="Enter Prod SSPName"
$MySiteURL = ""}
"test" {$SSPName="Enter Test SSPName"
$MySiteURL = ""}
"dev" {$SSPName="Enter Dev SSPName"
$MySiteURL = ""}
default {"`nfarm incorrect, SYNTAX: .GatherMySiteInfo.ps1 -farm [dev|test|prod] -log `n"; exit}
#Load the SharePoint assemblies
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Server")| out-null
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles")| out-null
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint")| out-null
# Setup the UserProfileManager object
$ServerContext = [Microsoft.Office.Server.ServerContext]::GetContext($SSPName)
$UPManager = new-object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($ServerContext);
Write-Host "Can't access User Profile Manager"
$logName = "." + "AllUserProfiles" + "-" + $(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm) + ".csv"
# Get an enumerator and loop through all the profiles
$enumProfiles = $UPManager.GetEnumerator()
$i = 0
$per = 0
$profileCount = $UPManager.Count;
foreach ($up in $enumProfiles)
#Get all User Profile Property values. You can define your own properties as well
[String]$userName = $up.Item("Accountname") #example: amjsaito, Needs to be a string so we can parse
[String]$employeeType = $up.Item("employeetype")
[String]$orgStatus = $up.Item("organizationalStatus")
[String]$mgmtCtr = $up.Item("MgtCenterName")
[String]$costCenName = $up.Item("CostCenterName")
[String]$costCenNum = $up.Item("CostCenterNumber")
[String]$building = $up.Item("Building")
[String]$locationCode = $up.Item("LocationCode")
[String]$aboutme = $up.Item("AboutMe")
[String]$resp = $up.Item("SPS-Responsibility")
[String]$skills = $up.Item("SPS-Skills")
[String]$projects = $up.Item("SPS-PastProjects")
[String]$memberships = $up.Item("ProfessionalMemberships")
[String]$schools = $up.Item("SPS-School")
[String]$interests = $up.Item("SPS-Interests")
[String]$pictureURL = $up.Item("PictureURL")
[String]$myFunction = $up.Item("MyFunction")
[bool]$hasMySite = $false
#strip off the domain name
$URLBreak = $userName.LastIndexOf('');
$user = $userName.SubString($URLBreak+1);
Write-Output "`"$username`",`"$employeeType`",`"$orgStatus`",`"$mgmtCtr`",`"$costCenName`",`"$costCenNum`",`"$building`",`"$locationCode`",`"$hasMySite`", `"$aboutme`",`"$resp`",`"$skills`",`"$projects`",`"$memberships`",`"$schools`",`"$interests`",`"$pictureURL`",`"$myFunction`"" | Out-File $logname -append
#if ($i -lt $profileCount) {
$per = ($i/$profileCount) * 100;
$per = "{0:N2}" -f $per
Write-Progress -Activity "Print All User Profiles" -PercentComplete $per -CurrentOperation "$per% complete" -Status "Looping Through User Profiles"
1. Loops through all site collection to save usernames to a hash table
2. Loops through the UserProfiles and output user profile values to log file
Script Usage: .GatherMySiteProfileInfo.ps1 -farm [dev|test|prod] -log
Copy Powershell script as shown below and replace parameters marked in red with proper values:
param($farm, $log)
if($farm -ne $null)
"prod" {$SSPName="Enter Prod SSPName"
$MySiteURL = ""}
"test" {$SSPName="Enter Test SSPName"
$MySiteURL = ""}
"dev" {$SSPName="Enter Dev SSPName"
$MySiteURL = ""}
default {"`nfarm incorrect, SYNTAX: .GatherMySiteInfo.ps1 -farm [dev|test|prod] -log `n"; exit}
#Load the SharePoint assemblies
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Server")| out-null
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles")| out-null
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint")| out-null
# Setup the UserProfileManager object
$ServerContext = [Microsoft.Office.Server.ServerContext]::GetContext($SSPName)
$UPManager = new-object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($ServerContext);
Write-Host "Can't access User Profile Manager"
$logName = "." + "AllUserProfiles" + "-" + $(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm) + ".csv"
# Get an enumerator and loop through all the profiles
$enumProfiles = $UPManager.GetEnumerator()
$i = 0
$per = 0
$profileCount = $UPManager.Count;
foreach ($up in $enumProfiles)
#Get all User Profile Property values. You can define your own properties as well
[String]$userName = $up.Item("Accountname") #example: amjsaito, Needs to be a string so we can parse
[String]$employeeType = $up.Item("employeetype")
[String]$orgStatus = $up.Item("organizationalStatus")
[String]$mgmtCtr = $up.Item("MgtCenterName")
[String]$costCenName = $up.Item("CostCenterName")
[String]$costCenNum = $up.Item("CostCenterNumber")
[String]$building = $up.Item("Building")
[String]$locationCode = $up.Item("LocationCode")
[String]$aboutme = $up.Item("AboutMe")
[String]$resp = $up.Item("SPS-Responsibility")
[String]$skills = $up.Item("SPS-Skills")
[String]$projects = $up.Item("SPS-PastProjects")
[String]$memberships = $up.Item("ProfessionalMemberships")
[String]$schools = $up.Item("SPS-School")
[String]$interests = $up.Item("SPS-Interests")
[String]$pictureURL = $up.Item("PictureURL")
[String]$myFunction = $up.Item("MyFunction")
[bool]$hasMySite = $false
#strip off the domain name
$URLBreak = $userName.LastIndexOf('');
$user = $userName.SubString($URLBreak+1);
Write-Output "`"$username`",`"$employeeType`",`"$orgStatus`",`"$mgmtCtr`",`"$costCenName`",`"$costCenNum`",`"$building`",`"$locationCode`",`"$hasMySite`", `"$aboutme`",`"$resp`",`"$skills`",`"$projects`",`"$memberships`",`"$schools`",`"$interests`",`"$pictureURL`",`"$myFunction`"" | Out-File $logname -append
#if ($i -lt $profileCount) {
$per = ($i/$profileCount) * 100;
$per = "{0:N2}" -f $per
Write-Progress -Activity "Print All User Profiles" -PercentComplete $per -CurrentOperation "$per% complete" -Status "Looping Through User Profiles"