Here is the powershell script to retrieve all Managed metadata term sets for a SharePoint 2010 site collection and print them into a .csv file
1. Copy the code below and modify the variables highlighted in yellow below, save the following as PrintManagedMetadataTerms.ps1 file:
Add-PsSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
$site = Get-SPSite "http://dev-sp-2010:1000/sites/sharepointfix/"
$termStoreName = "Managed Metadata Service"
$termStoreGroupName = "SharePointFixPortal"
set-variable -option constant -name out -value "C:\PrintAllManagedMetaDataTermSets.csv"
$session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
$termStore = $session.TermStores[$termStoreName]
$termStoreGroup = $termStore.Groups[$termStoreGroupName]
# Prints all Managed Metadata Termsets in the .csv file at the configured location
foreach($termsets in $termStoreGroup.TermSets)
"Termset Name: " + $termsets.Name + ", Description: " + $termsets.Description + ", Group: " + $termsets.Group + ", ID: " +$termsets.Id + ", Available for Tagging: " + $termsets.IsAvailableForTagging + ", Is Open for Term Creation : " + $termsets.IsOpenForTermCreation | Out-File $out -append;
foreach($terms in $termsets.GetAllTerms())
"Term Name:" + $terms.Name | Out-File $out -append
Echo "Finished!"
Echo "Managed metadata termsets printed at:" $out
Remove-PsSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
2. To automatically run the above .ps1 script as a batch utility, Copy and paste code below and save it with a .bat file extension
cd /d %~dp0
powershell -noexit -file ".\PrintManagedMetadataTerms.ps1" "%CD%"
Run the above .bat file, on the receipt of success message, traverse to the configured path to find the .csv file with all the managed metadata printed values.
1. Copy the code below and modify the variables highlighted in yellow below, save the following as PrintManagedMetadataTerms.ps1 file:
Add-PsSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
$site = Get-SPSite "http://dev-sp-2010:1000/sites/sharepointfix/"
$termStoreName = "Managed Metadata Service"
$termStoreGroupName = "SharePointFixPortal"
set-variable -option constant -name out -value "C:\PrintAllManagedMetaDataTermSets.csv"
$session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
$termStore = $session.TermStores[$termStoreName]
$termStoreGroup = $termStore.Groups[$termStoreGroupName]
# Prints all Managed Metadata Termsets in the .csv file at the configured location
foreach($termsets in $termStoreGroup.TermSets)
"Termset Name: " + $termsets.Name + ", Description: " + $termsets.Description + ", Group: " + $termsets.Group + ", ID: " +$termsets.Id + ", Available for Tagging: " + $termsets.IsAvailableForTagging + ", Is Open for Term Creation : " + $termsets.IsOpenForTermCreation | Out-File $out -append;
foreach($terms in $termsets.GetAllTerms())
"Term Name:" + $terms.Name | Out-File $out -append
Echo "Finished!"
Echo "Managed metadata termsets printed at:" $out
Remove-PsSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
2. To automatically run the above .ps1 script as a batch utility, Copy and paste code below and save it with a .bat file extension
cd /d %~dp0
powershell -noexit -file ".\PrintManagedMetadataTerms.ps1" "%CD%"
Run the above .bat file, on the receipt of success message, traverse to the configured path to find the .csv file with all the managed metadata printed values.