Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Powershell script - Get all Site Columns for a SharePoint 2010 site collection

Here is the powershell script to retrieve all Site Columns for a SharePoint 2010 site collection and output the details into a .csv file

Copy the code below and change the Site Collection URL and Output Path as per your requirement, save the following as .ps1 file:

Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
## SharePoint DLL
# Description
#   Output all available Column Field GUIDs to AllColumnFields.csv

# Settings Start
set-variable -option constant -name url     -value "http://localhost"       # Site collection
set-variable -option constant -name out     -value "C:AllColumnFields.csv"           # Output file
# Settings End

$site   =    new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($url)
$web    = $site.rootweb.Fields
echo "Generating File..."
ForEach ($id in $web)
'"' + $id.Title + `
'","' + $id.Id + `
'","' + $id.InternalName + `
'","' + $id.StaticName + `
'","' + $id.MaxLength + `
'","' + $id.Description + `
'","' + $id.Group + `
'","' + $id.TypeShortDescription + `
'"' | Out-File $out -append
echo "Finished"
echo "File created at : " $out

Remove-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

It outputs all the Site Column details available in the Site Columns Gallery to a .csv file.