Iterate through the XML file to dynamically create Managed Metadata Groups, Termsets and Terms using Powershell script.
Copy the XML mentioned below and save it as ManagedMetaDataTermSets.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<termstore name="Managed Metadata Service">
<group name="SharePoint Fix">
<termset name="Region">
<term name="North America">
<term name="USA"></term>
<term name="Canada"></term>
<term name="Greenland"></term>
<term name="Technology">
<term name="Technical Build and Delivery"></term>
<term name="Technical Consultancy"></term>
<term name="Technical Design"></term>
<term name="User Experience">
<term name="Creative Design"></term>
<term name="Information Architecture"></term>
The code mentioned below is RTM/Production Ready, you can find the original source code at Benn Robs site:
Copy the code below and save it in a CreateTermSets.ps1 file: (replace the highlighted script block with your values)
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
function SetTermsRecursive ([Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TermSetItem] $termsetitem, $parentnode)
ForEach-Object {
## create the term
if($_ -ne $null)
$newterm = $termsetitem.CreateTerm($, 1033)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Added term $"
SetTermsRecursive $newterm $_
#Do not modify anything in the script from here onwards
function Get-ScriptDirectory
$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
#Solutions to Deploy
$XMLName = "ManagedMetaDataTermSets.xml"
$XMLPath = Join-Path (Get-ScriptDirectory) $XMLName
echo "Extracting information from the $XMLPath"
#Site Collection URL - Give your site collection url in quotation marks
$TaxonomySiteUrl = "http://localhost"
#Access the TermStore data
[xml]$TermStoreData = Get-Content ($XMLPath)
$site = Get-SPSite $TaxonomySiteUrl
$session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
$termstore = $session.TermStores[$]
ForEach-Object {
## create the group
if ($termstore.Groups[$] -eq $null)
$group = $termstore.CreateGroup($;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Added group $"
ForEach-Object {
## create the termset
$termset = $group.CreateTermSet($
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Added termset $"
SetTermsRecursive -termsetitem $termset -parentnode $_
Copy code below, save it as a .bat file to automatically run the powershell scriptCopy the XML mentioned below and save it as ManagedMetaDataTermSets.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<termstore name="Managed Metadata Service">
<group name="SharePoint Fix">
<termset name="Region">
<term name="North America">
<term name="USA"></term>
<term name="Canada"></term>
<term name="Greenland"></term>
<term name="Technology">
<term name="Technical Build and Delivery"></term>
<term name="Technical Consultancy"></term>
<term name="Technical Design"></term>
<term name="User Experience">
<term name="Creative Design"></term>
<term name="Information Architecture"></term>
The code mentioned below is RTM/Production Ready, you can find the original source code at Benn Robs site:
Copy the code below and save it in a CreateTermSets.ps1 file: (replace the highlighted script block with your values)
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
function SetTermsRecursive ([Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TermSetItem] $termsetitem, $parentnode)
ForEach-Object {
## create the term
if($_ -ne $null)
$newterm = $termsetitem.CreateTerm($, 1033)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Added term $"
SetTermsRecursive $newterm $_
#Do not modify anything in the script from here onwards
function Get-ScriptDirectory
$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
#Solutions to Deploy
$XMLName = "ManagedMetaDataTermSets.xml"
$XMLPath = Join-Path (Get-ScriptDirectory) $XMLName
echo "Extracting information from the $XMLPath"
#Site Collection URL - Give your site collection url in quotation marks
$TaxonomySiteUrl = "http://localhost"
#Access the TermStore data
[xml]$TermStoreData = Get-Content ($XMLPath)
$site = Get-SPSite $TaxonomySiteUrl
$session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
$termstore = $session.TermStores[$]
ForEach-Object {
## create the group
if ($termstore.Groups[$] -eq $null)
$group = $termstore.CreateGroup($;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Added group $"
ForEach-Object {
## create the termset
$termset = $group.CreateTermSet($
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Added termset $"
SetTermsRecursive -termsetitem $termset -parentnode $_
cd /d %~dp0
powershell -noexit -file ".\CreateTermSets.ps1" "%CD%"
I have created another PowerShell script that reads through the XML file and delete the respective termsets and group:
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
#Do not modify anything in the script from here onwards
function Get-ScriptDirectory
$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
#Solutions to Deploy
$XMLName = "ManagedMetaDataTermSets.xml"
$XMLPath = Join-Path (Get-ScriptDirectory) $XMLName
echo "Extracting information from the $XMLPath"
#Site Collection URL - Give your site collection url in quotation marks
$TaxonomySiteUrl = "http://localhost"
#Access the TermStore data
[xml]$TermStoreData = Get-Content ($XMLPath)
$site = Get-SPSite $TaxonomySiteUrl
$session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
$termstore = $session.TermStores[$]
$ |
ForEach-Object {
## create the group
if ($termstore.Groups[$] -ne $null)
# $_.termset | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Deleted $termsetCollection"
#Get the Term Store Group object
$groupName = $termstore.Groups[$]
#Get Term Sets from the Group
$groupName.TermSets | ForEach-Object {
# #Iterate through each
# foreach($termSet in $termstore.Groups[$].TermSets)
# {
# $termSet.Delete();
# }
#Finally delete the Group
I hope this helps.