I got an excellent opportunity to do some R&D on Lotus 2 MOSS Migration.
It seems really cool that u can easily actually migrate your Lotus Mails, Access Control Lists (ACL) and Domino Directory Users as well as Lotus Notes Applications like Lotus Document Libraries, Discussion Boards, Team Rooms, Calendar etc to Sharepoint document libararies, lists, discussion boards and calendar lists...using migration tools like Microsoft Transporter Suite (click here to download),
I also used a limited version of Notes Migrator for Sharepoint by Quest software, it is actually a fantastic tool, i migrated a Lotus doc library to MOSS List as well as MOSS doc library and it gave fantastic results better than Microsoft's Transporter suite.
The key differentiator is the ability of Quest to actually create doc libraries/lists on fly and auto-map notes and moss fields. So even if you do not have MOSS library/list created, using the tool you just need to specify the fields from Lotus application that you wish to migrate to Sharepoint List/Library & then do an Auto-Map.
You can even migrate your ACL as well your Active Directory using this tool, on the other hand Microsoft's Transporter suite isn't bad either, it also does an mediocre job of migration for you.
(However, i personally can't vouch that all the fields of notes application will appear in moss library/list based on my experiences with the tool...)
It even allows you to migrate your Lotus Domino Directory to Active Directory as well as to Exchange server.
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